Monday, December 12, 2011

More political...tis the seacon......(@~@)

Yes...tis the be stupid!  I found myself with my head spinning and my brain melting down , after this last GOP debate.  If this is all the GOP has to offer in the way of viable candidates...we are in serious trouble.  Let's begin with the moderators....planting ideas and opinions rather than questions!!!!  Good start!!!!  Newt is such a pompous ass along with his 'brother in spirit' Mitt...neither one of them has ANY foot in the real world that most of us live in.  Rick Perry is a buffoon and I don't understand why Texas even tolerates one second of his stammering.  Only the remaining 3... Santorum, Dr. Paul and Bachmann made an ounce of sense.  These 3 are the most conservative, consistent, seemingly honest, ethical and willing to tell the truth....the real truth!  Especially Dr. Paul.  He found the center of the real issues and I found it disturbing the moderators did everything in their power to change the discussion and move to other people.  One reason why TV news anchors should NEVER host a political debate.  I'll have more to say ...on politics...later...after my brain cools off!!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Where do I begin?

Since my last post in much has happened. It rained for almost 2 months straight, actually a record for this area at 56 inches so far this year. The garden was a bust because I couldn't even get in to till the ground, not much luck with mowing either. The ground was so wet the mower left huge ruts in the ground. In late June, one of my best wethers [a neutered guy sheep] took sick...really sick. It was trying one thing after another,consultations with the vets office...this drug/that drug, B-complex shots, pain killer shots...hours on the net looking for some ray of hope to get him back on track. Twice during that time...I found myself 'saying'..."if there is no improvement over this week-end...that's it". Through some miracle...he started to get tiny step at a time. To this day he gets yogurt and his tonic [Power Punch from Tractor supply] at least 3 times  week.The first day he ran across the yard to get his yogurt...I knew things were good!

"Bucky"...aka Gabe in his polar fleece jacket for the Winter.  Five months doctorin' a sheep..hope the fleece is worth it!...(^_^)>>>>>

In the middle of all this ..I was finishing three rooms upstairs that had been left untouched for 13 years ....major, scraping of old paint, priming, color selection and ...last but not least....finished the bathroom that has been in primer white for 13 years too....I moved here 13 years ago and started the process of a sympathetic restoration of this house built in 1834.  Is that just nutz or what?

The big thing now is the Penn State pedophile scandal....and right here in Pennsyltucky! Is the world going mad? It will be interesting to see how many more shoes drop before its' over...I'll blog more on this subject in a few days.

And if that's not enough...all this fuss about the GOP candidates...I only had the opportunity to watch this last debate and was very disappointed that the selection of the candidates to speak seems to favor only a few ...more on this subject later too.

Hopefully, I can make more time in the coming days to sound-off ....


Saturday, May 28, 2011

Sheez Back !!!!!

Well, after a long "vacation" from the blog...I'm back...The vacation has consisted of trench digging, diverting run off, starting tomatoes and other garden plants in the greenhouse..[planting them is another question for another day] and the many ongoing jobs associated with keeping a small 'homestead'.

Idol is over and Scotty has won....yippy...he was my fav from the start....The Donald decided not to run for President...too bad...I probably would have voted for him....seriously....

Saw and interesting article about the "Raw Milk Police" you might like....I did !!!
When will this foolishness end...A TOTAL waste of taxpayers $$$$$$$

A pix of the new little name yet

Hopefully no rain's rained most everyday since the beginning of April and it's seriously getting to be a PITA....that's not bread but pain in a body part.....

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Too much Crazy, Trump and Idol

The too much crazy has been the weather...rain, rain and more rain.  The most rain recorded in my area in the last 50 years...WOW!!! wonder I'm just so fed-up...really...can you detect the sarcasm in my 'voice'.  It's really the MUD that follows the rain, rain and more rain!!!!!....more sarcasm and eye-rolling.

Trump...what can I say...the only bright spot in my world since the beginning of the month...well not quite [read later]  At least someone has the balls to take the game directly to the "Pres"...someone needed to and I'm really sick of the racist thing...racist...really...OK...I'll just pretend he's not black...then it won't be racist.  Hopefully The Donald will inspire more open debate and up the anty in this bullshit called politics....more sarcasm????

Now for Transylvanian Idol...I've been reading this column in the Washington Post by Lisa de Moraes....she's the's the link to last nights show..
Now for the brightest spot...a little goatie born on April 18...I'll be posting some pix as soon as the sun comes out.....the vet is coming today to 'terminate his manliness' and burn his horns...yuk...!!!!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

American Idol Commentary

What can I say....First....what planet have the voters come from? Hey, lets get serious here. If you can't separate quality from marginal...don't bother voting...just go drink another beer!  Pia was quality and every time she sang it was evident. Not that I'm any expert on singing or singers...but this was really off the map. All I can offer is that the voters are just too young to know the difference. I can see why the judges were totally surprised and shocked. I'll be tuning in just to see who gets the 'boot' next.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Spring Shearing

I look forward to...and dread...shearing day. The dread part is all the preparation for the "big day". Two days worth, I have to start earlier than that. The sheep need to be in the shed at one time...this involves rubber feed tubs and getting them to come to the shed...going inside then shutting the gate.  Of course food is the big 'carrot'. Since their diet mostly consists of hay, the grain and beet pulp is a treat and that is an incentive to come to the shed....the trick is getting them all in the shed at one time.  This takes at least a week of tricking. FUN !!!  Then I need to assemble the panels...un-assembled...inside the shed. If they come to the shed for their treats and find panels set up inside...they will never come inside.....soooo. The day before shearing, they come inside...I shut the main gate...[trapped now!!!]....they eat , rest awhile then I set up the panels. An hour before shearing, they are moved to one side of the shed...more panels...finally...the shearer arrives, sets up and 3 hours's all done...THAT'S the part I look forward to...being finished, the wool bagged, the panels taken down and into the sofa to collapse.  

This year went exceptionally well...a great new shearer...he took the unwanted good does it get !!!  This year, my recovery time was a bit longer than usual...time has that effect...but it's done and now I can contact my wool ladies and get the fleece shipped out.

Another Spring...Another shearing

The next sunny day, I'll be taking some pix of the 'naked sheep' for my next post

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Earthquakes, Nasty Weather and the Like

Well...what can I say...the worst earthquake in modern history has devastated northern Japan.  It will certainly take years to return from this catastrophe.  While researching quakes, I came across a great site that records all quakes around the world with related info.  I was very surprised to see all the quake activity here in the US...especially in the state of Arkansas...see for yourself:  

I hope this doesn't reflect a soon to be 'next big one' !

The weather here in the NE has been say the least.  60 degrees one day and 16 the next.  I do have some red romaine growing in the greenhouse, on a positive note.

Sadly, my old Lincoln ram passed peacefully this week.  He was 14, had a terrific life and left many offspring sporting his distinctive fleece type.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Ides of March Explained

I always wondered what the Ides of March ya go....

The term Ides comes from the earliest Roman calendar, which is said to have been devised by Romulus, the mythical founder of Rome. Whether it was Romulus or not, the inventor of this calendar had a penchant for complexity. The Roman calendar organized its months around three days, each of which served as a reference point for counting the other days:
  • Kalends (1st day of the month)
  • Nones (the 7th day in March, May, July, and October; the 5th in the other months)
  • Ides (the 15th day in March, May, July, and October; the 13th in the other months)
The remaining, unnamed days of the month were identified by counting backwards from the Kalends, Nones, or the Ides. For example, March 3 would be V Nones—5 days before the Nones (the Roman method of counting days was inclusive; in other words, the Nones would be counted as one of the 5 days).
Now that's simple enough!!!!!! ( my eyes are rolling)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Light Bulbs Anyone?

I just read an article in the NY Times and thought..I need to put this in my blog:
Actually I have a stash of 100 'watters' myself ...yes, I'll admit to it!!!  The light coming from those curly bulbs is really strange....cold and gray.  I prefer the warmer 'old' bulbs for reading and weaving.  The barn and basement lights are the new curly energy efficient bulbs...I doubt the goats, sheep or old horse really have a preference and if there is a savings, I'll go for that too!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My Hopes Dashed!

Well...with 12 inches of new snow on the hopes for an early Spring are dashed!!!!  Is this a really bad joke or what?  Robins and other spring birds chirping while I'm shoveling snow is very strange. I did find a 'new' shoveling device though. My plastic muck fork [for the horse barn] works better than any real shovel I own.  Well, that's the only bright spot in this new snow scenario. One more bright spot...I received my 40/2 weaving linen in yesterdays mail.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Yesterday I saw a large group of robins in the side yard and another 'herd' of geese flying up North.  Finally found a sheep shearer....This is not my favorite time of year...half way between Winter and Spring....frozen ground one day and slopping mud the next. 'Schlepping' around in the muck and daydreaming about the distinct smell of the ground warming. I've been procrastinating about cleaning up the greenhouse....hey...snap out of it!!!  Soon enough, it will be 90 degrees !!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Geese on the Move

At precisely 6:23 PM this evening, a small group of geese were heading north.  I was at the barn giving hay to the goats and the old horse.  It had just turned dark, that twilight kind of darkness....and I heard the distant honking....stopping to be sure...I noticed the old horse turned her head to the sky [since she's blind, her hearing is keen]...I knew it was that old familiar sound....the honking got louder...then passed overhead and on to the north...yes...Spring is certainly on its way.  The groundhog is a crap-shoot...the geese are always right.  I was talking to an old friend later and he mentioned hearing geese a few days ago on Pine it's a sure thing.  Now....we'll wait for the killdeer birds to show up.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Social Commentary

I watched the Grammy awards show last night....hummmm...From the sublime to the STUPID!...It was all there...The best for me was the award for the 'new guy on the block'.....B- - - - r Fever finally succumbed to something worthwhile...namely Esperanza Spalding...this gal has a resume that would impress anyone with an IQ.  I was disappointed with Bob Dylans' appearance....Bruno Mars was refreshing along with Janelle Monae...and rocker Mick Jagger once again proved that energy is not limited to the young!

Sunday, February 13, 2011


With a few minutes of spare time...I was looking through [or rummaging] my boxes and bins of hand spun yarn, woven items and other various odds and ends...getting ready to photograph and post online.  I came across a really super rag quilt that I made last year....actually, these are very easy to sew and a 'goat friend' of mine was contemplating making one.....

 Maybe it's time to get busy...I have many projects 'in the pipeline'....and at least there's no snow to shovel today....actually, the forecast is for warmer weather this week....FINALLY!!!!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Groundhog says Spring

That old groundhog says Spring is around the corner....well it better be!!!!  Now it's the ice...on top of the snow and the weather people are calling for more snow this weekend...geez...stop now!!!  At least I made some headway with the driveway and spread coal ashes on the ice so I can leave the farm.  Tiny paths shoveled from house to barn, barn to barn, up the hill and around the house to the basement door...enough...I almost want to houseclean and rearrange the furniture. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Oh Good Grief !!!! GRIEF

Grief is the word of the hour.  Another snow storm, this time with the extra added feature of sleet....aka...a wintery mix.  Got hay this morning....picked up extra bags of corn yesterday....hopefully this will hold me over till all this passes.  I'm getting a little tired of all the shoveling...everything hurts....arms, legs, back and most every other body part including my feet.  I really hesitate to venture out in this slushy, snowy and slippery stuff.  My hay guy told me he was sliding all over the road on his way here.  I'll get the outside work done early before we get the second wave of 'weather'...then I'll just vege-out and daydream about Spring, eat a mini pizza and vacuum the loom room!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Another Step Forward

Moving forward with my internet experience...including a new wireless broadband connection [and I might add, 3G from time to time]...I will be opening a "store" on Zibbet soon.  This is a handmade site similar to Etsy, except the fee structure is different.  I have lots of handwoven items, tons of hand-spun yarns from my sheep and carded,dyed roving also from the sheep. This will be a totally different experience since I have only sold my items at fine arts and crafts shows.  Doing shows became NOT cost effective when the total fees and expenses of going to the shows were close to the total sales.  I believe my last show was a $500 fee plus travel and lodging costs.  That works fine if you have lots of inventory at a mid-range cost....$45.00 or less....When you are selling truly handmade items, made by one are at a disadvantage.  Actually, I found many shows allowed mass produced items in your 'tent'...that really sent me over the edge.  OK....I'll be working on lots of pix and unpacking in the coming weeks.....hey...not to mention...trying to overcome the below zero and freezing temperatures, breaking ice from water buckets and "looking forward to the next snow"....Till then.......JR

PS...will have a link to ZIBBET as soon as I get my shop started

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Today, I went to the wireless store and purchased a device to connect my computer to wireless broadband....I installed the software and plugged the device into a USB port and off I went. This seems too good to be true...never before have I been able to watch video from my computer screen....geez....I will try again tomorrow morning just to make sure I have this lightning fast speed.  I actually have 2 weeks hassle trial...all your money back if it doesn't work can you go wrong!!!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Blogger Interrupted... AKA Slow connection speed !!!!

Interrupted...yes....apparently my internet connection speed is soooo slow that I'm having lots of problems getting around on the internet and also getting connected to my Blog!...lots of OOPS!!! and Sorry your server was reset messages.  Talked to my 'computer guy' over the weekend and he told me about new upgrades to search engines and 're-coding' etc.[computereze stuff] so the bottom line is...I need to find another way to connect to the WWW other than my slow as _ _ _ dial-up.  I'll be exploring satellite and other wireless options as I cannot get cable or any other high speed service here...up in the hills of if I'm not blogging much in the next week...that's oh sooo slow dial-up.....JR

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Snow ...Snow...etc.

Well, another snow and more shoveling....more shoveling!!!!
Noticed deer tracks over by the garden this morning...these guys survived the hunting season...

The hens up on the the Victorian Camper..[in the chicken trailer park]...didn't seem to mind the snow. Neither did the old ram or the bad goaties taking shelter in their 'dog pen'

My favorite old ewe, Trix [she's 13] was down at the barn begging for a treat while I was cleaning out a chicken cage [actually, an old dog crate used for a chicken hospital]

Another group of hens were sunning and preening, enjoying the noon sun

And icicles hanging on the dead foliage in the window boxes 

And so goes a snow event up here on the hill...

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Holy Jumpin'

Where oh where has this week gone? Got hay, cleaned the barn, made more cheese, went to a First Friday exhibit last night...time seems to be flying into the rabbit hole...Lots of local talk concerning the gas drilling. Personally, I would like to see more regulations concerning the disposal of the 'fracking' waste water...I haven't seen any concrete facts about the safety of this process so I would believe that it doesn't exist!..It would be a shame to have a repeat of the super fund cleanup that we had at the Drake chemical site up-river at Lock Haven..........I suppose a person could go on forever about these issues...I'm not really sure that we [the public at large] have much control ...seems to be all about the $$$$ and who possesses the most!

Since this is the first of this new year...time to get organized...yes, organized!!!!!   I might make a list...maybe.
So many projects to stuff, weaving...clearing out the attic or at least re-organizing it and boxing up yard sale stuff for October....I still have stuff in my attic from the time I moved here in 1998!!!!!!

Till later......JR

Monday, January 3, 2011

Tasty cheese

I recently made a whey cheese, called mysost. Since the uses for whey [what's left after making cheddar] are few and far between...I gave it a try.  With the coal stove going 24/ made perfect sense to use this heat source to reduce the whey.  Well, it takes 12 hours on the stove to finally see any results.  The last 10 minutes are the thickens to a cooked pudding-like consistency and smells wonderful.  It's definitely not a cheese for the has a caramel, sweet, salty flavor and after being refrigerated overnight is great on a plain cracker.  I understand the Scandinavians use it on toast bread!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Time Flies!

Happy new Year to all!

Geez....Time flies when you have a few days of really nice weather [40+ degrees] and totally forget about inside stuff. When you decide to get on the computer...what do I find...but no dial tone...NO phone!!!!  I think I must live in the outer reaches of western Mongolia...I am beginning to think that Verizon should take a look at their service record out here in least once every 10 days the phone takes dive!....and when you call, you get some manufactured 'lady voice' requesting that you check everything under your roof... then 'she' informs you that a service person can respond in 4 or 5 days!!!!...What the he!!...are they just crazy or what!!!!

Oh well...I guess it could be worse. At least the weather has been great.

Now, I have to put up with football on EVERY channel...every kind of 'bowl' that can be imagined...possibly even a 'brain dead bowl'...I just love football!

I'll just cover up, watch PBS with my dog and look forward to Monday