Thursday, February 17, 2011

Geese on the Move

At precisely 6:23 PM this evening, a small group of geese were heading north.  I was at the barn giving hay to the goats and the old horse.  It had just turned dark, that twilight kind of darkness....and I heard the distant honking....stopping to be sure...I noticed the old horse turned her head to the sky [since she's blind, her hearing is keen]...I knew it was that old familiar sound....the honking got louder...then passed overhead and on to the north...yes...Spring is certainly on its way.  The groundhog is a crap-shoot...the geese are always right.  I was talking to an old friend later and he mentioned hearing geese a few days ago on Pine it's a sure thing.  Now....we'll wait for the killdeer birds to show up.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Social Commentary

I watched the Grammy awards show last night....hummmm...From the sublime to the STUPID!...It was all there...The best for me was the award for the 'new guy on the block'.....B- - - - r Fever finally succumbed to something worthwhile...namely Esperanza Spalding...this gal has a resume that would impress anyone with an IQ.  I was disappointed with Bob Dylans' appearance....Bruno Mars was refreshing along with Janelle Monae...and rocker Mick Jagger once again proved that energy is not limited to the young!

Sunday, February 13, 2011


With a few minutes of spare time...I was looking through [or rummaging] my boxes and bins of hand spun yarn, woven items and other various odds and ends...getting ready to photograph and post online.  I came across a really super rag quilt that I made last year....actually, these are very easy to sew and a 'goat friend' of mine was contemplating making one.....

 Maybe it's time to get busy...I have many projects 'in the pipeline'....and at least there's no snow to shovel today....actually, the forecast is for warmer weather this week....FINALLY!!!!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Groundhog says Spring

That old groundhog says Spring is around the corner....well it better be!!!!  Now it's the ice...on top of the snow and the weather people are calling for more snow this weekend...geez...stop now!!!  At least I made some headway with the driveway and spread coal ashes on the ice so I can leave the farm.  Tiny paths shoveled from house to barn, barn to barn, up the hill and around the house to the basement door...enough...I almost want to houseclean and rearrange the furniture. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Oh Good Grief !!!! GRIEF

Grief is the word of the hour.  Another snow storm, this time with the extra added feature of sleet....aka...a wintery mix.  Got hay this morning....picked up extra bags of corn yesterday....hopefully this will hold me over till all this passes.  I'm getting a little tired of all the shoveling...everything hurts....arms, legs, back and most every other body part including my feet.  I really hesitate to venture out in this slushy, snowy and slippery stuff.  My hay guy told me he was sliding all over the road on his way here.  I'll get the outside work done early before we get the second wave of 'weather'...then I'll just vege-out and daydream about Spring, eat a mini pizza and vacuum the loom room!