Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Back on Track

OK...I'm back on track...hopefully.  Don't you just hate vehicle problems...Took the van to the 'car guy'....the light was still on....explained what happened, he took his code device out to the van and like magic, the light went off. I felt totally betrayed by my van for not leaving the light on so the 'car guy' could read its' diagnosis.  I was gifted a can of dry gas and was told "if the light comes on again, bring it back"....it was like a doctor saying ....take 2 aspirin and call me in the morning!...I never realized how much my 'car guy' and a doctor were alike. Well, at least, I'm spared a repair bill for the moment

Monday, December 27, 2010

It works for ME !!!!

Blizzard conditions everywhere on the east coast except here!!!!...That works for me.....who wants to shovel anyway, all that shoveling to all the barns and up the hill to the chicken coops and over to the ram and the bad goaties...Who needs it....I'll just contemplate my 'broken' van...for the umpteenth time in 3 months...[service engine light]...I'm beginning to think little light gremlins live in my van...too bad they don't make 'Just One Bit' for van gremlins.
Oh well, maybe I can think about getting the pinwheel towel warp on the board.....JR

Almost forgot....My daughter, son-in-law and I went to see Little Fockers yesterday afternoon...DeNiro was his usual...great...the story line was a bit fragmented...but non the less...funny...The BBC reported the following:

The third film in the Fockers franchise has made its debut at number one in the North America office over the Christmas period, studio estimates show.
The movie, which stars Robert De Niro and Ben Stiller, took $34m (£22m) during the three-day period, ahead of the Coen Brothers' True Grit.


Saturday, December 25, 2010

Happy Holidays

Happy holidays to all

Thursday, December 23, 2010

OK...I'm going to get political...for a second

Well now isn't this cute. I've been following this bill [S 510] for a long time now....I blogged about it on Local Harvest [I'm a member]...talked to people till I was green in the face....sent messages to my Senate reps and now those jerks sneak around and get it on the track again. Sometimes I think we [the people] need a bill to protect US from the over-reaching arm of the government and all their top heavy bureaucracy!!! I have left a link here to read: ..... .... http://www.examiner.com/orange-county-conservative-in-orlando/smelling-gop-betrayal-the-senate-a-sneaky-vote-on-s-510-food-safe         JR

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Another day....Another egg

Yes, it seems like an egg a day. My delivery today was mighty slim. I'll be happy to see the longer days and warmer temperatures [ maybe April].  WOW....fellow weavers I met on Weavolution are in the midst of all this California rain, although they did report the rain wasn't 20"....can you imagine that....parts of California are just getting pelted.  Thanks for your post Jennifer and I'll be looking forward to seeing your website.

Now I need to locate my 'cow guy'....been trading raw milk for cheese making...cheese making day is non stop foolishness....heat, mix,check temp,heat,stir,check again, mold,unmold,re-wrap,re-mold [ 3 times]...blah....blah...blah and at the end..out pops a cheese!

I do need to get off my _ _ _ and get a new warp on the AVL loom..I've done the sample and all is ready except my ambition...the worst part of weaving is getting the warp on the loom, the rest is all fun.  Webs is currently is having a year end sale and the best ever cotton/linen is on sale!!!!


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Finally...the days will be longer

Tonight marks the end of the dark!! Everyday from now on, we will have more minutes of daylight, the chickens will start to lay again and my levels of serotonin will increase...How good can it get

New to me

This is my first adventure into the world of blogging in the blogosphere of the cybernet....hummmm...will prove to be interesting at the very least....JR