Saturday, March 10, 2012

Spring is Coming

Finally, it seems as though we could be looking at Spring.  Typical for March, the weather has been crazy....31 degrees to 61 degrees....wind, snow all in a 48 hour period.

The goat is still milking, so that's a good thing... and bred her stablemate in January. I have no clue if the 'date' was successful...time will tell.
Finished the second floor renovations a few weeks ago...was that a struggle.  Actually, I finished up projects that were started way back in 1999.  Geez...!!!
Looking forward to getting the garden started....Planning on doing a seed inventory in the near future.  The new seed catalogs just arrived a few weeks back and everything is sooo tempting.  I think this year I will be planting lots of potatoes and squash....tomatoes, of course and a few small batches of peas.  I found a great book for reference titled 'The Resilient Gardener'....lots of very useful information.

WOW....daylight savings time begins Saturday/Sunday
Update for Bucky:  he's doing great!