Tuesday, December 21, 2010

New to me

This is my first adventure into the world of blogging in the blogosphere of the cybernet....hummmm...will prove to be interesting at the very least....JR

1 comment:

  1. Hi Judy,
    My husband forward this blog to me. I am pleased to see the additional daylight also. It has been raining forever (it seems) here and coming down pretty darn hard. I'm not complaining we hardly ever get any rain.... but maybe it will stop..... maybe Thursday.
    We just purchased a used AVL FDL compudobby III. I've been sitting under it for a few days tying up the warp (from cut ends) so we can make sure the loom works properly. Charles and I will be going to AVL to learn to use it in a couple of weeks.
    I am a jewelry artisan and enamelist and I teach both. My website is currently unavailable as it is being restructured. You can see some of my work on my facepage: http://www.facebook.com/pages/jennifer-friedman-studio/376507919370 and my website address: http://www.jenniferfriedmandesigns.com. I will let you know when it is available.
    Looking forward to more blogging more with you.
    Jennifer Friedman
