Well, after a long "vacation" from the blog...I'm back...The vacation has consisted of trench digging, diverting run off, starting tomatoes and other garden plants in the greenhouse..[planting them is another question for another day] and the many ongoing jobs associated with keeping a small 'homestead'.
Idol is over and Scotty has won....yippy...he was my fav from the start....The Donald decided not to run for President...too bad...I probably would have voted for him....seriously....
Saw and interesting article about the "Raw Milk Police" you might like....I did !!!
http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2011/may/13/mopping-up-the-raw-milk-mob/?page=all#pagebreakWhen will this foolishness end...A TOTAL waste of taxpayers $$$$$$$
A pix of the new little goatie...no name yet
Hopefully no rain today....it's rained most everyday since the beginning of April and it's seriously getting to be a PITA....that's not bread but pain in a body part.....