The too much crazy has been the weather...rain, rain and more rain. The most rain recorded in my area in the last 50 years...WOW!!! wonder I'm just so fed-up...really...can you detect the sarcasm in my 'voice'. It's really the MUD that follows the rain, rain and more rain!!!!!....more sarcasm and eye-rolling.
Trump...what can I say...the only bright spot in my world since the beginning of the month...well not quite [read later] At least someone has the balls to take the game directly to the "Pres"...someone needed to and I'm really sick of the racist thing...racist...really...OK...I'll just pretend he's not black...then it won't be racist. Hopefully The Donald will inspire more open debate and up the anty in this bullshit called politics....more sarcasm????
Now for Transylvanian Idol...I've been reading this column in the Washington Post by Lisa de Moraes....she's the's the link to last nights show..
Now for the brightest spot...a little goatie born on April 18...I'll be posting some pix as soon as the sun comes out.....the vet is coming today to 'terminate his manliness' and burn his horns...yuk...!!!!